Big News!

Fantastic news! I am excited to announce that Standing in a Field With Horses is becoming an audiobook! Now you will be able to listen to the book while you drive, do chores, or even fall asleep to it. Audiobooks allow the freedom to listen on the go, which I didn’t fully appreciate until I began driving longer distances to the barn.

I’m lucky enough to have the terrific team at SkyDance Mountain Audiobooks producing it. They are a company that focuses on audiobooks for independent authors and publishers. Having a small business such as this one doing the production means I feel well taken care of. The samples I’ve heard so far sound great, and I can’t wait to share this with you all. I will also be appearing on a podcast interview or two in the near future! The audiobook is arriving on Audible, Spotify, and other audiobook retailers in July. In the meantime, check out some of the existing titles produced and narrated by the SkyDance Mountain team:

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